Early this year (February 2021) Oracle announce full L2 support on OCI (you can read more here). But what does it mean? Why is really a big deal?.
Obviously all mayor competitor of Oracle are not really interested on speak about L2 support on the Cloud, but when you read a post of Ivan Pepelnjak...
If you take a look to Wikipedia here, you will see different definitions for availability. Probably the most accurate definition from the I.T. point of view is:
The probability that an item will operate satisfactorily at a given point in time when used under stated cond...
When we create Unix / Linux instances in the cloud (regardless of the provider we usually use), we are asked to use a public / private key set to secure access to the instances. Without this additional protection and only relying on a Login / Password, our systems are vulnerable to dictionary attack...
ASHRAE is one of the main players when we talk about standars definito, their guides around power supply desing in the Datacenter are a must read.
The ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.4-2019, Energy Standard for Data Centers is one of the most important guides to follow if you want to achieve high rates...